About Me

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This blog really isn't designed to be about ME, however I am willing to share my life with you so that you can gain knowledge about living with cancer, the importance of continued research in cancer fighting drugs, and how the FDA's decisions on releasing or pulling a drug from cancer patients can greatly impact many lives. While my cancer is advanced breast cancer, I am fighting for all cancers, and actually life in general. My life has been directly affected by many other cancers as family members, friends and chemo buddies have died from various cancers. Each one of these people have shaped my life and I am fighting to honor their fight, and to continue fighting for all of us touched by this horible disease in some way. Most of all, I'm fighting for the right of my 11 year old daughter to continue having a healthy mother, and for my Husband and Mother to keep them from the pain and torment that comes from seeing a loved one die from cancer. The FIGHT IS ON!! Please join me!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


The article in the paper brought me some amazing responses.  I never dreamed that people would be willing to do so much to help me in my efforts.  Thank You!  I am dearly grateful for all of you.

I've been busy over the weekend and haven't kept you up to date with new things I've learned.  Before I go into all of that, I want to let you know about my weekend.  Friday morning I was interviewed by KFVS 12 news which will be aired on Wed. during the morning show, and at 5:00 p.m.  I am glad that my story will be told and look forward to the response that may come from that.  I DON"T look forward to seeing myself on TV.  I am a very modest person with little vanity!  Something about going through Chemo and pulling out all of my hair in my office, putting on an  itchy wig, and walking back out of my office to work put an end to all vanity for me.  Once my hair returned, I didn't care if I ever brushed or cut it again.  I was just excited to be warm at night and to no longer look like someone on Startreck.  Looks took on a whole new meaning to me, so needless to say, I don't really want to look at myself on camera.  I get to rambling...SORRY!  Friday afternoon, I was physically drained and slept for a long period of time.  I crawled into bed, closed my eyes and never moved!  Friday night we went to Lambert's and my great friend Sara M. joined us then came over to watch a movie.. Before going to bed, I researched the Internet looking for the latest news regarding this drug.  Saturday, Rebecca and I both slept late.  She's been fighting a cold, and I believe I may have a sinus infection, so we are both drained.  She went to Flickerwood in Jackson Sat. night to participate in a youth rodeo.  She did an incredible job.  I'm the proudest mom in the world.  We will have many more rodeos and barrel races to attend, but from now on we sill sign up for slack that takes place in the day.  This past Saturday, we signed up for performance and were at the arena from 4 pm to 1:30 am.  Never again!  Well...never say never, just hopefully not again. 
Horses are such a part of our lives.  They have always been a huge part of my life as a kid, but even more so since Rebecca, Dewey, my Mother and I all enjoy and ride them together.  We have 5 horses.  They are all different breeds, have totally different looks and sizes and they all have their own personalities.  They are amazing creatures.  You don't have to own or ride horses to gain knowledge from them.  Horses make such strong statements.  They can be standing so very still in the quiet, not a breeze or noise around, yet they speak loudly.  Their presence is majestic.  They move their bodies in so many ways.  Sometimes they appear to be dancing on air as their tales and heads are held high and the move quickly but softly on the ground as if they are dancing with the wind.  And then there are the times that they run forcefully and demonstrate their power.  At those times, we hear the hooves beating the ground as if an earthquake is beginning to rumble below our feet.   Horses teach us patience as they are willing to work with us and want to please, but they require trust.  They must trust us first, before we can expect them to become submissive to us.  They are noble animals and they have taught me so much about life.  They have been my therapy during all of this cancer craziness.  They keep me as sane as I able to be!

Sunday my article ran in the paper.  I received many emails from friends and also strangers whom I now call friends.  Mid afternoon I received a heartwarming phone call from one of my parents friends that gave me some great encouragement.  She, understanding how politics works, gave me a list of things to accomplish by Wed. and that is what I have been working towards.  Last night I stayed up researching factual articles that didn't seem to lean to far to the left or right as I want to state the facts and not assume anything that is not factual.  I saved the articles under favorites so I can print them tomorrow.  I researched and found a timeline of the drug avastin and that will be useful in my case.  The problem that I kept running into is that there hasn't been any mention of whey Genetech will be allowed to plea their case to the government.  I had treatment today, and I had the nurses see if they could find out any more information on this time sensitive issue.  They were so kind to call the  Avastin rep.  They Avastin rep was happy to hear from them because they need all the people on their team that would be a positive force for them that they can get.  They told her that people like me is just what they need.  She gave me their number and I plan on calling them tomorrow.  I've emailed them, but with companies that large, you really don't know what division is the proper one to contact.  Anyway, the rep for Avastin said that there has not been a time released as of today's date.

When I sat down with my laptop tonight to research, I found the article that I posted here tonight.  It states that Genetech has 15 days to plea their case or the FDA's decision will become final.

Now, I have the pressure on me like never before.  That is only two weeks away.  They have to get up their to try and make a difference, or all of us women that rely on this drug need to get our butts up their ourselves and not wait around on Genetech.  You know the old saying, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.  I'm ready to do it myself if that is what it's going to take.  I have a kid that needs her mother!!

I'm not quite sure if I have a sinus infection causing me to want to sleep all the time, my mono maybe never got better or just the stress that is weighing on me.  But I'm extremely tired and could sleep 24/7.  I haven't of coarse!  While I do take extended naps everyday, I also spend time with my family and research this topic in hopes to make a difference.  My husband asked me today what hours I was going to be at work this week.  I know, I have a business to run as well, that is another stress on it's own, as right now, my efforts are here, but I'm required to help make a living at the same time.  I never knew how to juggle and I admire the women that can!!  Please pray that I will have the energy that I need to get through tomorrow, then the next and next day.  I have so much to do, so little energy and my mind is only in one place right now.  Pray for me to become an expert at juggling and that I can run my business at the same time so that I can bring in an income.  Thanks to all of you that care enough to follow my blog.  You are my warriors of hope and may God Bless You.

Many want to know how they can help.  If anyone can find out exactly the dates of the hearing and the vote, this is the most important information that I am needing and having trouble finding at this time. 

Thanks Dearly!


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